Monday, March 7, 2011

New Trimester

A new trimester has begun
I wasn't too excited for this one
Other than the fact that it's the last before summer break
Though it looks as though that's something I'm going to hate

Because I discovered a few things today
Amongst not feeling that okay
I took notice of someone I've never before
This wouldn't be the first time I've ignored

Well, maybe not ignored, just didn't notice
I'm sure he'd make me very nervous
But, I've only just realized 5th period
This certain Vietnamese among myraids
Does that sound weird?

I feel odd writing about him
I can certainly feel something stirring within
A few glances were all I could get in
Before he'd look back in skepticism

I already know it's a lost cause
But, that won't throw me off
I'm perfectly okay with looking from afar
Because it would all be too bizarre

We're from two completely different cliques
Which just don't mix
Just another crush, I presume
And, I'll not assume

That something will ever happen
Because when it comes down to these things, I just can't win

(So, I already know what this trimester will consist of :D 5th period is officially my favorite class now)

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