Monday, March 7, 2011

New Trimester

A new trimester has begun
I wasn't too excited for this one
Other than the fact that it's the last before summer break
Though it looks as though that's something I'm going to hate

Because I discovered a few things today
Amongst not feeling that okay
I took notice of someone I've never before
This wouldn't be the first time I've ignored

Well, maybe not ignored, just didn't notice
I'm sure he'd make me very nervous
But, I've only just realized 5th period
This certain Vietnamese among myraids
Does that sound weird?

I feel odd writing about him
I can certainly feel something stirring within
A few glances were all I could get in
Before he'd look back in skepticism

I already know it's a lost cause
But, that won't throw me off
I'm perfectly okay with looking from afar
Because it would all be too bizarre

We're from two completely different cliques
Which just don't mix
Just another crush, I presume
And, I'll not assume

That something will ever happen
Because when it comes down to these things, I just can't win

(So, I already know what this trimester will consist of :D 5th period is officially my favorite class now)

Friday, March 4, 2011


This poem is about the lovely Shimizu Takuya from UVERworld.

It's time for Takuya
I usually write about jrockers
such as Takanori or Uruha-sama
though, Takuya's not a jrocker

Not really classified as Jpop
He's somewhere in between
He can certainly do rock
It's not an often thing to see

He can beatbox like no other
One rare attribute to have
within many Japanese music genres
but, sounds far from bad

Takuya-san, the amazing vocalist of UVERworld
captures my attention with every single word

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

J-rocker Vocalists

The vocalists featured in my poem:

Takanori's beautiful voice rings in my ears
and Teeda's rapping doesn't miss a beat
Ryutarou can drive you to tears
Though, Mao's the one I want to meet

Ruki'll scream his heart out
Takuya's beatboxing is rare among the community
Yugiri's one of the cutest just about
Ryu gets better with every song he sings

Tomo looks angry most of the time
Shou's one of the tallest I've seen
Emiru's a bit different, but still kind
Keiyuu loved to stick with Miyavi

The vocalists of Jrock are definitely something else
Each one has a voice different from the rest

Lovely Mao

A unique voice and powerful vocals
The talented vocalist of Sadie
Hearing those lyrics over and over again

Emotional screams, a soft tone
With an edgy sound
A unique voice and powerful vocals

Fill me with many feelings
Feeling him through those words
Hearing those lyrics over and over again

Beautiful ballads and lyrics
Screaming with everything he has
A unique voice and powerful vocals

Some compare him to Kyo
He doesn't compare in the slightest
Hearing those lyrics over and over again

A wonderful range of melody
Switching back and forth and growling
A unique voice and powerful vocals
Hearing those lyrics over and over again

Friday, February 25, 2011


Ryutarou Arimura:

Ryutarou's soft voice fills my ears
my body turns numb and I can't think
his music once brought me to tears
when I felt as though I'd break
my favorite song of all
makes me feel like I'll fall
a relaxing melody
and painstakingly true words
form to create lyrics I heard
it's impossible to listen to just once
makes me think of those who cut
a hauntingly beautiful song
that only he could produce
turning poetry into music
singing songs about abuse
happiness and sadness
songs that don't make sense
only in his mind
come out to expose all the lies

I Hate You

"I'm sorry" wasn't good enough
and it never will be
no matter how many times you say it to me
you're not anymore, are you?
I haven't heard it in over a year
and I'm still frustrated by your every little fear
your face disgusts me and your attitude is even worse
I can't believe I ever fell to your stupid curse
you knew all along, yet still didn't care
I always thought it wasn't fair
that you could turn the other way
and continue on with your day
like I wasn't important
how I felt didn't matter
that's okay though, because I've never felt better
now that I pushed you out of my life
your voice no longer cuts through me like a knife
I'm not affected by you anymore
and I'm glad that you've finally suffered like I did before
I hope your suffering continues until you can't take any more

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


wondering if he truly cares
tears her apart inside
her mind races. jumbled thoughts all over
his only concern is with power
becoming better and stronger, he can't see past
and realize exactly how she feels

known as cold-hearted, but knows he feels
he doesn't like it, especially that he cares
everything he once thought and felt is in the past
anger and frustration boil inside
his entire life was about power
those urges will continue until it's over

never wants what they have to be over
drives him mad, making it hard to feel
if he should feel, let it be more power
not that he cares
because he's only ever been a killer inside
what exactly made her see past?

because she saw past
his old life was over
though, he doesn't feel empty inside
never did. it wasn't in his nature to feel
although she did, he could never say he cares
because doing so led to less power

he was not weak; he had plenty of power
that blinded him until he could no longer see past
the reason why anyone cares
thinking it over
angry about what he feels
she always knew what lay deep inside

he'd let her. she found her way inside
and, he'd forgotten about power
striving to be better for her. seeing how she feels
long gone is the past
all he once held is over
simply because he honestly cares

frightened that he cares, it's overwhelming inside
knowing they'll never be over fuels his power
to finally see past and realize what he feels